Walkman Ist Kaputt: Blindfold Test #4

Astute observers and/or regular readers will note that, just like on my previous blindfold test, my favorite song on this one is also the oldest song here. You could blame that on my own impending dotage, I suppose, except that this installment’s song in question was recorded in 1935, 25 years before I was born,… Continue reading Walkman Ist Kaputt: Blindfold Test #4

Bible of Being Average: Blindfold Test #3

Quite a relief to learn the person singing my favorite song below, which embarrassingly turns out to be not only by far the oldest (that’s not the embarrassing part) but the one with by far the most problematic lyrics (that is), is of not the ethnicity I feared but rather the ethnicity he refers to… Continue reading Bible of Being Average: Blindfold Test #3