Feels a Bit Stuffy: Blindfold Test #12

This may hold the distinction of being the most “mid” batch of blind items yet, as the kids might say. Well, I’m not sure they’d say “batch,” but you get the idea — No grades above 7.5. or below 5, and seven ranked at either 5 or 5.5. Still, I’ll try my best not to… Continue reading Feels a Bit Stuffy: Blindfold Test #12

A Comicattle World: Blindfold Test #5

Thanks to the playlist that this fifth blindfold test just like its four predecessors is culled from, which playlist I have taken to playing in the background through the day, and which playlist as of this writing totals 4150 tracks adding up to 260 hours and 34 minutes, I now feel the need to confess… Continue reading A Comicattle World: Blindfold Test #5

Walkman Ist Kaputt: Blindfold Test #4

Astute observers and/or regular readers will note that, just like on my previous blindfold test, my favorite song on this one is also the oldest song here. You could blame that on my own impending dotage, I suppose, except that this installment’s song in question was recorded in 1935, 25 years before I was born,… Continue reading Walkman Ist Kaputt: Blindfold Test #4