Speed Goys and Pigeons for Life: Blindfold Test #10

The overriding theme this time is clearly songs that evoke specific musical genres without actually being of those genres — Several examples of those. Then again, we’ve also got four consecutive examples of unusually clamorous ’80s-style post-disco dance-diva music in the middle (even though one of them or maybe two didn’t technically come out until… Continue reading Speed Goys and Pigeons for Life: Blindfold Test #10

Living in Greenland: Blindfold Test #9

Hot trends: (1) Songs that turn into dub versions in the middle and get better when the do; (2) Latin rhythms from non-Latin people; (3) Instrumentals that might have been better with words attached.; (4) Songs by vocal groups where I only noticed one vocalist. Also, in a couple previous blindfold tests, the oldest song… Continue reading Living in Greenland: Blindfold Test #9