Living in Greenland: Blindfold Test #9

Hot trends: (1) Songs that turn into dub versions in the middle and get better when the do; (2) Latin rhythms from non-Latin people; (3) Instrumentals that might have been better with words attached.; (4) Songs by vocal groups where I only noticed one vocalist. Also, in a couple previous blindfold tests, the oldest song… Continue reading Living in Greenland: Blindfold Test #9

Guilty of Noise Pollution: Blindfold Test #8

Did things a little bit differently this time — Instead of typing out notes while random-shuffling a 5000-song playlist at home, I handwrote out notes while listening to a 5000-song playlist in the car. (No I wasn’t driving at the time. I was waiting to pick my teenage daughter up from EMS Scouts.) In fact,… Continue reading Guilty of Noise Pollution: Blindfold Test #8