Feels a Bit Stuffy: Blindfold Test #12

This may hold the distinction of being the most “mid” batch of blind items yet, as the kids might say. Well, I’m not sure they’d say “batch,” but you get the idea — No grades above 7.5. or below 5, and seven ranked at either 5 or 5.5. Still, I’ll try my best not to… Continue reading Feels a Bit Stuffy: Blindfold Test #12

Give the Fiddler a Dram: Blindfold Test #11

One side effect of how much fun I’ve been having with these blindfold posts that they’ve led me to procrastinate on everything else on this here blog. My 150 Best…Albums of Whatever Year series has come to a standstill right when I started splitting conjoined ’90s lists in half, thus leaving 1991 in suspended-animation limbo,… Continue reading Give the Fiddler a Dram: Blindfold Test #11